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0x4500 - ReportAckermannConfiguration


Reports current Ackermann driver data




Type: Record

Field # Field Name Type Units Optional Interpretation
1 PresenceVector uint8
2 SteeringAngle uint16 radian false The desired effective steering angle of the vehicle, as measured by a virtual wheel at the center of the front axle. Negative values cause the platform to turn left; positive values cause the vehice to turn right. Control systems that attach directly to the steering wheel/column may need to convert this value to a steering wheel position that achieves the desired steering angle.
3 ThrottleEffort uint16 one false As a percent of maximum.
4 BrakeEffort uint16 one false As a percent of maximum.
5 SteeringRate uint16 radian per second true The current rate of change in the steering angle. Negative values indicate the vehicle is trying to turn left.
6 SteeringTorque uint16 newton meter true The current torque allowed to effect a change in steering angle, as experienced at the steering wheel. Negative values indicate the vehicle is trying to turn left.