0x44A2 - ReportGlobalPoseExt
This message is used to provide the receiver the position and attitude of the platform. The position of the platform is given in latitude, longitude, and altitude. All times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The message data and mapping of the presence vector for this message are shown in the table below. Note the SetGlobalPoseExt command uses a variable field to set only one Zposition, whereas this report enables one or more of the optional Z-position values to be returned. Submerged vehicles often need to know depth as well as altitude above the sea floor.
Type: Record
Field # | Field Name | Type | Units | Optional | Interpretation |
1 | PresenceVector | uint16 | |||
2 | Latitude | true | |||
3 | Longitude | true | |||
4 | AltitudeAGL | uint32 | meter | true | |
5 | AltitudeMSL | uint32 | meter | true | |
6 | AltitudeASF | uint32 | meter | true | |
7 | Depth | uint32 | meter | true | |
8 | XYPositionRMS | uint32 | meter | true | An RMS value indicating the validity of the position data. |
9 | ZPositionRMS | uint32 | meter | true | An RMS value indicating the validity of the position data. |
10 | Roll | uint16 | radian | true | |
11 | Pitch | uint16 | radian | true | |
12 | Heading | uint16 | radian | true | |
13 | Attitude_RMS | uint16 | radian | true | An RMS value indicating the validity of the orientation data. |
14 | Course | uint16 | radian | true | |
15 | TimeSeconds | true | |||
16 | TimeNanoSeconds | true |