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0x040C - SetGlobalWaypoint


This message is used to set waypoint data based on the global coordinate system. A global waypoint can have up to six fields to describe it completely. The waypoint is defined in the global coordinate system using the latitude, longitude, and altitude, fields. The desired orientation of the platform at the waypoint is defined using the roll, pitch, and yaw fields. Only fields 1-3 (presence vector, latitude, and longitude) are required for each waypoint. Field #4 sets the desired Altitude in accordance with the WGS 84 standard. The presence vector is used to specify if the remaining fields, i.e., altitude, roll, pitch, and yaw, are used to further describe the waypoint and the desired orientation at that point.




Type: Record

Field # Field Name Type Units Optional Interpretation
1 PresenceVector uint8
2 Latitude uint32 degree false
3 Longitude uint32 degree false
4 Altitude uint32 meter true
5 Roll uint16 radian true
6 Pitch uint16 radian true
7 Yaw uint16 radian true
8 WaypointTolerance uint16 meter true
9 PathTolerance uint32 meter true A value of zero (0) is used for infinite tolerance