All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[2024.0] - 2024-07-31
- org.openjaus.mobility-v1.1.cpp v2.0.0
- org.openjaus.environment-v2.0.cpp v1.0.0
- org.openjaus.autonomy-v1.0.cpp v1.0.0
- CMake options to enable/disable different examples
- OJ_USE_PREVIOUS: Build mobility v1.0 and environment v1.0 libraries
- OJ_USE_LATEST: Build mobility v1.1, environment v2.0, and autonomy v1.0 libraries
- Updated to:
- org.openjaus.buildtools.cmake v2.7.0
- org.openjaus.cpp v2.0.0
- org.openjaus.core-v1.1.cpp v2.0.0
- org.openjaus.manipulator-v2.0.cpp v8.0.0
- org.openjaus.ugv-v1.0.cpp v2.0.0
- org.openjaus.mobility-v1.0.cpp v2.0.0
- org.openjaus.environment-v1.0 v2.0.0
- org.openjaus.examples.cpp v2.0.0
[2023.0] - 2023-04-11
- Initial release of bundle. Contains:
- org.openjaus.buildtools.cmake v2.5.0
- org.openjaus.cpp v1.0.0
- org.openjaus.core-v1.1.cpp v1.0.0
- org.openjaus.environment-v1.0 v1.0.0
- org.openjaus.mobility-v1.0.cpp v1.0.0
- org.openjaus.ugv-v1.0.cpp v1.0.0
- org.openjaus.manipulator-v2.0.cpp v7.1.0
- org.openjaus.examples.cpp v1.1.0